Or, Maya, Aztec and Olmec civilizations - Part 3 in the series of the trip (Part 1) that led to the inspiration (Part 2) for my first novel.
first settled around 2600 B.C. in early Mesoamerica (what is now Mexico and
Guatemala). They became more sophisticated in the latter years (A.D. 250
through A.D. 900) from the influence of the Olmecs who came on the scene later
(1400 B.C.—lasting about 1000 years).

Only after the Maya adopted much of their culture from the
Olmecs, did they go on to create their impressive legacy that today extends
through Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize and Honduras. They were ruled by powerful
war lord kings and priests. What happened to the Maya as a great civilization
is still a mystery with many theories (though their descents are still alive

Mexican flag).
They found such a place on a small, swampy island in the middle of (what is now known as) Lake Texcoco and founded Tenochtitlan, in A.D. 1325. Later, the Spaniards conquered the Aztecs and they built Mexico City over Tenochtitlan.
There is evidence of a connection between the Aztecs and
Native Americans. Obsidian and macaw feathers from further south in Mexico have
been in found in the Southwest United States—so there were obviously trade
routes between the two areas. Southwest Native Americans built ball courts and
doorways in styles similar to their counterparts farther South in Maya
territory. The ancient world was definitely connected.
The setting for my novel, Dance the Dream Awake, is on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula near Tulum—Maya
country. Both present day and past life take place around the Cobá
pyramid complex (a large metropolis composed of many cities within the eastern

My novel about to be released this week (May 9) is a romantic suspense, so today I’ll share a
snippet of the romance that begins to brew on the plane to Mexico City when
Tessa first meets Nick, an archaeologist with a dig at Coba, close to where she
will be staying.
The final
boarding call was being announced when I reached the half-empty plane late that
night. I felt stressed and wanted a last cigarette. Quitting was the pits.
As soon as
the plane was in the air, I ordered a gin and tonic and buried myself in a
magazine until the flight attendant returned. After downing half my drink in
one gulp, I sat back, took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying not to want
that cigarette.
“Can I buy
you another drink? You’ll be through that one pretty quick.”
I looked
into the palest green eyes I’d ever seen. I hadn’t noticed the man who’d
slipped into the seat across the aisle.
He smiled.
“You look super stressed,” he said. “If it’s the flying, another drink will
take the edge off.”
I sat a
little straighter. He was tall, I could tell by the way his tanned legs spilled
out of his khaki shorts and straddled the seat in front of him. The rolled-up
sleeves of his blue, cotton shirt revealed muscular arms.
“Maybe one
more. Thanks.” His manner soothed me.
in Mexico City?” he asked.
“I’ll be
staying in the Yucatan.”
His face
brightened. “What a coincidence. I’m headed for the Yucatan, too. I’m meeting
up with some of my colleagues down there, on the peninsula in Coba. Anthropological
research on the Maya.” He lowered his voice and leaned close. “We have a new
archeological dig in the jungle near one of the older pyramids.”
“The Maya?”
there have been some exciting new discoveries recently and we’re right in the
thick of it.”
enthusiasm reminded me of a boy opening a packet of gum, hoping to find his
first Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron baseball card, or whoever it was that young boys
looked for these days. He rattled off some technical details to impress me. I
half-paid attention to what he was saying, wondering at this uncanny
coincidence. I observed the lock of sandy colored hair that danced above one
eye as he talked. Occasionally he’d brush it back, but it belligerently worked
itself loose as he continued talking. I took another sip of my drink and tried
not to stare.
As if he’d
picked up on my thoughts, he suddenly cocked his head and studied me a moment.
I caught a twinkle in his eye, “Maybe we’ll bump into each other there.”
The thought
had already crossed my mind. “Can I ask you a question? Did the Maya have
sacrificial rituals like the Aztecs?” I looked interested, like I didn’t
already know.
“Did they!
They were obsessed with sacrifice. They had some masochistic practices—” He
hesitated, glancing at my white linen suit and the hair I’d done in a long,
conservative braid. He must have decided what he had to tell me would either
shock me, disgust me, or some such thing. “Let me just say they were very
religious and serious about their sacrifices,” he continued with that pleased
look a man gets when he feels he’s been gallant about shielding a woman from
locker-room language too distasteful for her tender ears. Old school—polite and
respectful, I liked that. He ordered another round of drinks and extended his
hand. It was warm, firm, with calluses from working in the earth. “My name is
Nick Richardson.”
“I’m Teresa
Harper. Just call me Tessa.”
If my novel and the Maya interest you, I will be sharing more on my Facebook Author Page and here on my blog in future posts.
Questions? Comments? -- leave them here or on Facebook.
What a great post on Mesoamerica. Not only was it informative, but you presented it in a very interesting fashion. Thanks. And good luck with DANCE THE DREAM AWAKE coming out this week. I really like the title. We spend a lot of time in Mexico. I'll have to get your book. My mystery, OVER MY DEAD BODY, also released this week (Monday). My hope is both our books do well. Thanks for such a good post.
Interesting! And I love the excerpt--what a teaser! Many congratulations on its release!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Thanks, Jim, for your supportive comments. I do love to visit Mexico, as well, especially the Yucatan. I have to check out your mystery. Good luck.
Not only did I enjoy the post, but your excerpt hooked me. Fascinating information and it sounds like a book I could get into. Thanks for sharing, Cora!
Marja McGraw
Thanks Marja.
Great post and excerpt :) Ancient American cultures are fascinating.
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