In this season of discontent, where people
are left feeling worried, fearful, and discouraged at the political
climate, I found myself sleeping for long hours—and still remaining tired and
listless. I began binge watching the 2013 TV series, The Fall.
(A psychological thriller that follows the lives of
two hunters, one being the serial killer who preys on his victims in and around
Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the other, the female detective from the London
Metropolitan Police who is tasked to catch him.)

“Art is a lie. Art
gives the chaos of the world an order that doesn’t exist.” Spector
I spent the morning researching and
reading, trying to understand Chaos Theory. (Whew,
that’s a tough nut to crack!) Life is always in chaos, I just
hadn’t thought about it in that way before.
With this election many feel the
effects of chaos. Especially the artists, the sensitives, the empaths. But it
shook us to the new reality. And how we react
going forward will determine our future—any number of possibilities.
People act irrationally—against their own
interests, because of the pain and patterning we all receive in childhood.
(more about that can be found here; A Chaos of the Mind. )
There are an infinite number of
combinations to the “why” people do what they do. From the above link on depth
psychology, quote:
“As adults,
we like to think we’ve put away most childish things. But infantile and
childish ways of experiencing ourselves and life linger in our unconscious mind. That child in the
adult’s psyche can be highly mischievous and harmful, producing chaotic
reactions. Early childhood’s influences on our adult experiences have parallels
to the scientific concept of Chaos theory.”Why did so many Germans look the other way at the rise of Nazism? They listened to all the “reliable sources,” that pandered to the needs of the human psyche at the time; all is well. Nothing to be concerned about. This will pass. He doesn’t really mean it. Hitler is not really a threat. Just make nice and everything will turn out okay. The childish need to assure ourselves that all is well; the big people in charge will take care of us.
Gore Vidal said, “At any given moment, public opinion is
a chaos of superstition, misinformation and prejudice.”
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside
of you.” Deepak Chopra
“Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with
diligence.” Buddha
Some want to go back to the way things were. But “back” no longer exists. And back
to where, to what? Like a painting that captures a moment in
time, the conditions that existed are gone forever. The artist grows in skill
and knowledge but that painting remains as a representation of his knowledge
and expression at that moment. There is no going back to unknowing, to naiveté,
to innocence, to a dream that’s now faded.
If you were able to go back, that would mean unlearning all you’ve learned, giving up
all you’ve gained, un-meeting all who’ve come into your life—you don’t get to
pick only the good—you get the pain, sickness, evil as well—all of it. And our minds
tend to soften and forget the unpleasant things we wouldn’t want to repeat.
So wake up to the new reality of now.
Spector was right, we (the artists of our experience) try to give the world an order that doesn’t exist. From here we have to awaken and become responsible for our actions. Know that our actions and choices have consequences. Have we made a choice that really just gives power to someone to make our choices for us? Oh, the Hitlers, the Caesars, the Kings and Emperors of the world love that. They like to wield power over people—make choices for them—the sheep, the children, the ones who don’t want to have to be responsible.
It comes down to working on ourselves; making ourselves knowledgeable and thoughtful so that our choices going forward count for something we really believe in.
As artists, writers, musicians, poets--do we mirror the chaos of the world as it is so we can see ourselves more clearly and be the still small voice of thoughtful reason in the noise and clatter. Or, do we idealize the world and continue to live in the happy illusion that everything is fine? Each must decide for himself.