One of my critique partners has decided to read my novel and
tweet her comments while reading it through this weekend. Oh gawd, am I in for it!
I thought a heads-up post was in order. I have no idea what her reactions will
be, but I’m sure I am in for some unexpected zingers because she does not hold
back. A bit of background? She is one saucy gal and her wit and gut reactions
will be on the menu.
So, a little background on the writing of Dance the Dream Awake, the journey of
Tessa Harper:

She goes to Mexico out of desperation to rid herself of the
nightmares that have been driving her crazy. She must step beyond her safe
place of familiarity—what the ‘normal world’ says to do. The norm being the
place most people never leave—what the outside world defines for our lives;
parents, schools, churches, employers, society all around. Her journey takes her
to the center of herself—to the unknown, the dark side that most never face.
Sometimes she moves forward willingly, sometimes tentatively and sometimes
kicking and screaming. At the heart of it she is determined to find out what
the nightmares mean and how to stop them.
Of course, no one’s journey is all dark and she has to have
some fun, too. So there are men she meets along the way . . . but I leave you
there, ---@corajramos waiting for
comments on Twitter by @mills_michele, @KristaWriter, and @ElsaBayly.
Just for fun, I share this video of a sexy Argentine Tango--oh yes, there's tango in the book, too. First (and only) video on the board at
This should be a fun weekend! If you want to jump in on Twitter, please do. The more the merrier.
Just for fun, I share this video of a sexy Argentine Tango--oh yes, there's tango in the book, too. First (and only) video on the board at
This should be a fun weekend! If you want to jump in on Twitter, please do. The more the merrier.