I believe in ghosts. I
think they’re just people who no longer have bodies. Some get stuck and don’t
move on for a myriad of reasons.
Objects can hold energy
and cause problems for those the objects are around (Haunted Collector), and if they disturb the living it can usually
be stopped by removing the object.
I mention all this because I
have a ghost story to share this week. It happened when my daughter was very
young, about eight years old. We have an older house (1920s era) and whether
the haunting was associated with the house or the area or some object, I don’t
know. (The house was owned by a coffin maker early on.)
Our house is known as an airplane
bungalow, the kind with one room on top that is accessed by stairs
at the back, through the bedroom (awkward).
My daughter had that bottom room as her
bedroom at one time and she used to complain of hearing noises and footsteps on the stairs leading to that top room.
As in any scary movie, I
dismissed it as due to the age of the house, with its many creaks and knocks
that normally occur with the expansions and contractions that occur in an old wooden
One day she was especially
upset about the noises, saying someone kept walking up and down the stairs.
Then she said it was a
little girl. Uh, oh.
She wasn’t in the habit of
making up this kind of thing and so I had to consider that maybe it was a
ghost. It was really bothering her, and I decided to exorcise the ghost.
(No, not
with crosses and holy water. More like Ghost Whisperer and Psychic Kids) by talking
to her and finding out what was keeping her here.
It seems the little girl was upset
and told my daughter that she was waiting for her mother and could not find
her. I had my daughter tell her that her mother was no longer here and
that it was time for her to move on, that someone was waiting to take her to
her mother and that she only needed to look around and find that person(s) and
go with them. I suggested there was a white light to look for, and when she
could see it, she would find someone to take her on to her mother.
The little girl soon said she saw the light
and with a little coaxing left. The creaking stairs no longer creaked and the vision of the
little girl no longer appeared to my daughter.
So, this week pay attention
to those creeks and knocks you usually dismiss as house noises and watch to see
if your dog or cat seems to be watching something you can’t see.
I hope to have another
ghost story for you next week and all this month of Halloween.
Have you ever seen a ghost
or felt a presence?
Ever picked up an object
at a garage sale that just felt too weird when you got it home and then you had to
get rid of it?
Do you have a ghost story?
I think I should have read this during the day... :)
Very cool story! I love how you and your daughter were Ghost Whisperers and helped the little girl move on.
What a creepy-cool story! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had the presence of mind to fix things the way you did. The closest thing I've got to a ghost story is the fact that my bedroom closet door seems to open itself. Or maybe it's my husband who leaves it open...
Spooky. You handled this so calmly, though. I think I would've freaked.
I grew up in Pakistan, surrounded by stories of djinns, guardian spirits, and scary witches (sorry, don't have an equivalent word in English so I'm using a generic one). I've been spooked before, but never in such a way that I could say, "Something supernatural happened here". I'm a natural skeptic, but I do agree with Hamlet's "there are more things in heaven and earth..." speech.
Thanks, Tami. I hope that's what we did:)
. . .or maybe. . .someone is trying to get your attention!
My wife used to work at USC's Doheny Library which is supposedly haunted by the young man for which is was built and named and who died tragically there. He's in the basement only accessible to the workers, and one day he put his hand onto her shoulder. YIKES! Supposed to be a nice guy, but YIKES!
I can't say I have ever seen a ghost (I hyper-ventilate at the thought) but I do feel energy. When I go into a place where the energy is off, I feel uncomfortable. When the energy is more than a little 'off' I get away immediately. On occasion, I have come across a stranger that has a very 'bad vibe' I avoid eye-contact and get away asap. I'm not sure that is paranormal, I think we all have that ability if we develop it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Rabia.
I understand the YIKES. Unseen ghosts are alright in theory--just don't want to feel that hand on my shoulder, okay? Thanks for stopping by, John.
Fascinating story. We have a creekside cottage built in 1874. I'm pretty certain there's a ghost in it who has a sense of humor as he always plays tricks on us. I really don't think he's in any pain or misery. I think he likes being in the house and, aside from his pranks, he's not a bother to us.
Children are so open to these things, it makes me sad that as adults we become so closed-minded. The way you handled it was wonderful. My dog is always staring at the ceiling, she'll even get up and follow "something" into a different room, while staring intensely at the ceiling. She doesn't seem bothered, just curious and I've never felt anything negative from whatever it is, so I pretty much just say hello and let it be on its way.
We have a dog who seems to "hear voices." Does that count? She can be doing anything and she'll suddenly stop and look up, and you can see she's listening. We live in a newer house and I don't think it's the house creaking. Besides, we've seen her do this when she's out for her walk. And then it's just over and she moves on.
It was nice of you to help the little girl 'move on." I won't say I believe in ghosts, but I've seen/heard too many strange things over the years not to keep an open mind on the subject.
Sounds like your daughter may be a psychopomp, one who helps spirits 'cross over' if they are stuck here on the earth plane. You too; you knew just the right words to have your daughter say to the little girl. I know there are ghosts, and far more than we can see here in the real world, because I'm a psychopomp as well. A really great story! Loved this! I look forward to reading more of your posts.
How fun. Sometimes they just don't want to leave. It happens.
Some animals are amazing. I wonder what it is about them that allows them to see beyond that veil. I think you are very sensible to say hello and let it go its way. Antagonizing doesn't go over well with some spirits (watch Ghost Adventures--above, to see what I mean).
From watching all the ghost shows (above) I would imagine that spirits can come and go through your house or have more attachment to the land than the house--or come over from the neighbors.
Animals definitely pick up more.
An open mind is a good thing.
I never heard that term before. I only know we had that one moment when something happened to relieve a problem. It was strange and awesome and nothing like it has ever happened to either of us again.
You're freaking me out Cora! I'm going to show this to my husband and son when I get home. They'll love your story. They're addicted to all those Ghost hunting shows. They tape and watch everything. I can't watch any of it. I'm a scardy cat.
-Michele Powers
Ha, that's funny. I drive my husband a little crazy when I start watching those shows--he heads to his man room in the garage. I think I love it best when I watch Ghost Hunters and they ask, "If anybody is here, knock." Then there is a knock and they always say, "What the #ell was that?"
My son Casey said to tell you his favorite shows lately are Ghost Adventures and Paranormal Witness.
I watch them both. Love the craziness of the Ghost Adventurers. They are so over the top with their antics.
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