Ever wonder why we have so many catastrophic-oriented, distopian
and world-end stories on TV and in the movies? What's going on?
We all hear of disasters and potential for disasters--now more than ever because we have the instant internet.
Because of fear (conscious or subliminal) and our built in survival instincts, we allow ourselves to consider all the possible scenarios of potential catastrophes so we can be prepared. Even if we are only mildly curious, we need to know how we would handle the eventualities because we are built for stories.
While we read stories for
entertainment, we are also putting ourselves into the stories (depending on the
skill of the writer-see How To Hook Your Reader With Dopamine) to learn how the situations are resolved, in case we will need that
information in the future. It is a built in compulsion-a survival mechanism in humans from our earliest days of survival. We tell stories of the good we encountered, what to be wary of and how to handle trouble.
It can be compared to camping. You think ahead of all
the things you need to stay alive (or as comfortable as you personally want to
be) in the wilderness (or camp park). So you bring food, shelter, clothing, weapons/tools
and a first aid kit—all the things necessary to handle any dangers out there in
the eventuality that you actually have to confront one (bears, poison ivy,
falling in a river, mosquitoes, etc).
It is only a step further to considering dangers on a larger
scale. You run through all the possible scenarios and what you would do in the
event one of them happens--so you will be ready to act if necessary.
Some people go the religious route and hope/believe someone
or something outside themselves will save them. Some people go the survivalist
route and build shelters and stock up on food and gear to meet the possible
dangers. (Some do both and cover all the bases) Others freak out and get
depressed. We all handle potential danger differently.
If you want to know what some of the major conspiracy
theories are, go to Conspiritorium.
For some of the best movie thrillers of all time, visit Hollywood and Conspiracy Films and see some of the 24 greatest movies made to tap into the
public’s fascination with conspiracies. (There were several I want to watch
again-some great old classics)
What is your favorite fear/conspiracy theory/apocalyptic prophesy?
You know you have one.
You know you have one.
Remember, it is only a theory until it happens.
I must be boring, because while I don't believe that most things happened the way they're recorded in the history books, I also don't believe in most conspiracy theories. What do I believe, then?
How funny you are, Liv. Boring, no.
History is often tweaked to what someone wants us to believe happened, not necessarily what actually happened. So then, isn't that a conspiracy of sorts. It's all by degrees. Who would ever have believed 9/11 could happen? Sometimes the crazies get their way.
I think it was the movie, Blow Out, that blew my mind when I first saw it (listed above in the Hollywood Films). Now the capabilities are no longer theory but reality.
I'm still positive that the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy. I think most Americans are on board with that one. I think the Big Six publishing houses are in a conspiracy to publish tripe. Did anyone really want to read Snooki's memoirs? I think this new book by the Navy Seal is the publishing industry at its worst, making money off a high-level and controversial event. If that doesn't get us into another 9/11, nothing will. I would not be surprised if the rest of the Seal team doesn't have a "conspiracy" to censor one of their own. That's the way they operate (I dated one, I know).
I tend to proceed with caution when it comes to conspiracy theories, which isn't to say I look the other way when I see one coming. I just try to tip-toe in mindfully, rather than falling in headfirst. History is littered with the debris of some very provocative scenarios that ring far too loud to be shelved. I kind've hate to admit that I read a story in PEOPLE mag a couple weeks ago relating to the "mysterious" death of Marilyn Monroe. Conspiracy? I haven't fully decided, but I just might be tempted into finding myself hooked.
I've already started preparing for the zombie apocalypse. I'm stocking up, as we speak, on nicotine gum, Q-Tips, and Hawaiian Sweet Rolls.
I loved "The Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. He wasn't crazy after all, was he?
I agree, Kennedy was assassinated, but by whom is the question. The list is long.
The thing that grabs you is when you find out the facts of the case. Opinions can be dismissed but the facts get you thinking. . .
Hawaiian Sweet Rolls--gotta love them. Not sure that selection you've chosen would get you through the zombie apocalypse though.
Good movie. When you say he wasn't crazy after all, do you mean the character or Mel? :))
Interestingly, in Arizona it's Disaster Preparedness Month, so deemed by Gov. Brewer. When you consider everything that's going on in the world, including the weather, it's probably not a bad idea to be prepared. Anyone watch Doomsday Preppers? I wonder if the show will be back.
Haven't seen that one.
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