It was not
intentional that I would end up bringing the green thing, it just worked out
that a Jello mold was what I chose since no one else ever brought one. Initially,
I wanted to make a mold that would go with dinner, not necessarily be a
dessert (but everyone decides when they want to eat it-with or after dinner). So I remembered a green mold that someone had made at a church event
years earlier that I loved. I didn’t have a recipe but figured I would try to
work out the ingredients and see what I could come up with.
“What is it
called?” someone asked when I first showed up with it.
“I don’t have
a name for it. It’s just a green Jello thing.”
So was born
The Green Thing.
Since I never
had a standard, written recipe to follow, it’s never exactly the same. The ingredients
have varied through the years—sometimes better than at other times.
One year I was
sure would be the last time I'd make it was when I was rushed and made it late. I planned to unmold it just
before dinner at my sister-in-laws. It didn’t gel and I announced that it was ruined, but no one was deterred.
They took a little cupful and ate it with a soup spoon. I thought they were
being polite.
As a result, I
didn’t make it the next year and was chastised soundly. We laughed about it
being good whether or not it gelled and I’d better keep making it. It turned
out to be one of the more memorable years and the subject of much joking and laughter
ever since—especially when someone new asks, “What’s the Green Thing?”
One year I grew
bored making the same jello dish and so brought a red “thing” for 4th of
July, with fresh, in-season strawberries—great fit for the holiday, right? And
I think I tried mandarin oranges for an orange thing another time. But always the question, “Where’s
the green thing?” came up. After a while it was no longer simply looked for and
asked about, it was demanded, ‘You will bring the green thing. If you
bring anything else that’s okay, but you must bring the green thing.’ It has
been loved, criticized, eaten and drunk, but always demanded.
So was born a
tradition, The Green Thing (only a general recipe follows-so if you try it you will have to
experiment to find the taste and texture that suits you and yours):
The Green Thing
2 - 6oz. lime
Jello pkgs (the large ones). (you can use one box if you have a small gathering)
Follow the
recipe for a mold, which includes a less water so it will unmold well (especially
since there is juice in the pineapple). If you would rather not do a mold, you
can let it gel in a serving bowl so everyone can scoop out a portion size they want (probably a good idea the first time in case it doesn't gel).
You have to
let the gelatin thicken a little before adding the other ingredients or the
ingredients will all float to the top during the gelling process.
To the slightly gelled mixture,
1 large can of
Dole crushed pineapple (I use the one with pineapple in its own juice)
Chopped cucumber
(I like pickling cukes and you can use 1 or 2)
Chopped celery
(1 or 2 stalks)
1 pkg cream
cheese (I use the whipped cream cheese because it breaks down easier)
{You can add
sour cream and/or cottage cheese in addition if you like more tartness or less sweetness (vary the amounts to your taste)}
chopped (amount to suit you—you can use walnuts but some people are allergic to
Be sure to make
the Jello as indicated on the box for a mold (less water). When it has
thickened, but not yet set, add the cream cheese (beat it to smooth or keep a
little chunky to your preference). Then add the rest of the ingredients to
taste and pour it into mold or a serving bowl to jell in frig.
I used a Christmas
tree mold this year and so added in just enough prepared gelatin (without
anything else added yet) to the bottom of the mold so it would hold the added maraschino
cherries (the balls on the tree) to set in the frig while I mixed the rest of
the ingredients. By then the Jello and cherries were firm enough so I could
pour in the rest of the ingredients without them bleeding through.
Mystery solved. So now you know and can
make the Green Thing if you dare, just in time for New Year’s. If you do, let
me know how it goes.
Do you have a
family tradition that has grown through the years? Was it planned or did it
grow organically?