Do you have a
curious mind? Want to find out what’s underneath rocks? In dark caves? In forbidden
rooms? Me, too. Oh, wait, did you say, No?
Well think about this. If we don’t test ourselves, challenge ourselves, go into
unfamiliar places, try hard things, uncomfortable things, then we atrophy. And
we miss wonderful opportunities for love, life, happiness—even wealth.
As soon as you
begin putting up walls in your thinking, nothing new can get in, and that may well
be to your detriment. As goes the mind,
so goes the body. That’s a coraism. (I
decided I needed to start coining my sayings. Ha! Even though that’s been said in
different words--nothing new under the sun and all that)
So, with this as
my philosophy, I challenged myself this year by taking on a couple of different
studies and a pinch of adventure—I love adventures. Don’t you? As a result, I
have a new perspectives and new ideas feeding my writing brain and my life.
The first part
of 2015, I took on shamanic journeying.
The whole drumming, traveling with spirit guides to learn a different kind of
wisdom than this world has to offer, thing. If you’re already thinking I’ve got
a screw loose, or maybe you think I’m consorting with evil spirits—that’s the
kinds of walls I’m talking about. See paragraph #1 & 2. Open your mind! (And
read on to learn what else I’ve been up to)
So what did I
glean from that? New, fresh ways to view the world around me—and how to look and
deal with situations (in life and in writing) in new ways. I saw the walls I
had put up around parts of myself, learned new techniques to tear those down
and bring into focus the strengths and powers I had hidden in dark rooms (hey, I’m a poet and metaphor is my go-to
whenever I get into areas where there are few words . . ..
This was
probably why I didn’t blog much this year (I really love Anne Allen’s term, ‘slow blogging.’ (Don’t
run yourself ragged trying to blog every week if you have nothing to say that’s
useful—another coraism)
Sometimes, I feel like I don’t know much. And when I feel like that, I don’t
blog. You don’t need to hear my ramblings when I ramble.
Next, I began
classes with Tai Lopez on getting
what you want out of your life and career—even
get rich if that’s what you want. And
you know what? It wasn’t a scam. (Go back to paragraph #2.) I’m learning to view the world differently—relate
to it differently. I actually see progress in the way I’m thinking . . . and, it
has strengthened my creativity, my writing, and my health.
And, I had two
mini adventures this year as well. The RWA (Romance Writers of America) had a
conference in San Diego which I attended. It was okay—I learned stuff.
![]() |
Doug Richardson, Gene Perret, Jonathan Maberry on panel of 6 |
But the Central
Coast Fiction Writer’s Conference at Cuesta College this past month was totally amazing. The talent was over-the-top!
My head is spinning with all the new information. I can’t go into all the speakers
that gave me more than my money’s worth, so--
I’ll pick one, Jonathan Maberry (NYT best-selling author who writes horror).
What did I
learn from him? I learned I have a bit of the horror genre in me! It’s been
there all along and I didn’t recognize it as that. My short stories reflect it
(in the anthology, Valley Fever, Where Murder is Contagious, free on
Kindle Unlimited right now). I even use the tagline on this blog that
I write stories of romance and, “suspense
that straddles the edge-whether that edge is the paranormal, a deadly decision
or the place where science ends and magic resides.”
How can I be
a horror writer if I’m writing Romance and Romantic Suspense? (see that last
word—yup, it’s in there—genre crossover. When ‘suspense’ comes to mind, so does
Hitchcock). And I even had one short story on line in the erotic horror genre. I surprised myself with that one.
“The more pervasive the paranormal is, the more you fall into
horror,” Maberry states. . . and ghost stories aren’t necessarily horror.
Define horror?
Maberry points out that when he gets together with other horror writers, even the
experts can’t agree on a definition. For him it’s, “whatever makes us afraid
and gets a reaction.”
The horror genre diminished in the 1980s when it began to get
into extreme horror; movies concentrating on blood and pain (focused on women
and children). Many people were turned off and stopped buying into it and the
horror genre tanked. Publishers stopped buying it.
But serious writers
then began writing under supernatural thriller,
suspense, and crossover fiction (Urban fantasy, dark fantasy, sci-fi—think Stephen
King; he writes to the mainstream audience but with elements of sci-fi, fantasy
and horror).
And don’t belittle the horror genre. The Road by Cormac McCarthy won the Pulitzer for literary fiction
and was horror.
Lest I get too
far astray, I won’t go on about the horror markets and Maberry’s advice for
writers (unless enough people want to know more and tell me in the comments below).
Needless to say,
all these experiences this year have affected me and my writing—deeply. And it’s
only September. Can’t wait to see what Oct., Nov., and Dec. will bring!
Keep tearing down those
walls that keep you from your good.
Were there any
walls you tore down this year that you can share? I’d love to hear about them.
I not only admire your courage for taking on the journey, I'm a tad jealous. It has been far too long since I sat beneath a tree, listening to the drums sound the heartbeat, and journeyed into a greater world. You inspire me.
I like your "coraisms" and it gave me thought about the walls we erect around ourselves. So many are inherited and second nature. It makes me want to challenge myself differently. Can't tell you how proud I am of all you do and how you have the energy to do it. While not a paranormal/shapeshifter reader, I can enjoy a good representative novel. Way to go, lady.
When I was working on my BS in nursing, I chose to study alternative therapies. I studied and (mostly) experienced rolfing, therapeutic touch, shiatsu, acupuncture, T'ai Chi, yoga, faith healing, reiki, homeopathy, aromatherapy, drumming, hypnosis, imagery, iridology, Chinese herbal medicine, chiropractic, acupressure, Ayurveda. Met and talked with a shaman. I ended up being a firm believer in the power of imagery. I went to a year long nurses training of interactive imagery and became certified. I've practiced it and taught it. So I'm familiar with spirit guides and what they can teach you. I'll never forget when I met mine during an interactive imagery session.
I'm so glad Fresno State gave me the freedom to study a branch of medicine (alternative therapies) I knew little about and was interested in. As the years have passed, many of these therapies have grown in popularity and (Western medicine) legitimacy. I love how you find similar healing ideologies in many cultures, including Native American culture. It's all fascinating.
Thanks for the shout-out, Cora! It was good to see you at the CCWC. Wasn't Maberry amazing? I'm so impressed with that man!
I did some journeying with a Lakota shaman in the 1990s. It was an enlightening experience.
Cora, great post. I went on the Shamanic journey with you and can say it was a great experience. I'm still borrowing from the energy and love the unexpected peace I receive from drumming on my Buffalo hide drum! I've always lived in a my own individual space, questioning everything as you and our critique group will attest. What mediating in the Shamanic energy did for me was to'trust the journey'. I was able to give my manuscript to beta readers and then send it to editors who had requested and the one that I 'cold-called' - Black Opal Books. So I broke down my walls. It's been a good year. Happy to have shared it with you, been inspired by you and all my writer friends.
I love that there is so much in the world we don't know. I tell my students that everything is energy (physics, people, and that's Science) and just because you can't see it, don't discount it. Wtg cora. Ever a fan...
For some crazy reason, My template won't allow me to respond to each of you--and each of you is worth responding to. All your comments touch me. You are all so open and lovely and I appreciate every one of you--through Facebook, critique group, Yosemite Romance writers, Central Coast Sisters in Crime. May we all continue to write and grow.
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