With influenza
at epidemic proportions right now, you might think I asked J. L. Greger,
biologist, to speak on how to avoid flu dangers. No. Being that you could
probably use a break from the nightly news on that subject, which may or may
not have you freaked out, here is Janet's suggestions on where to find writing ideas--and information on her new medical thriller. At this time of year, I could use some ideas for germination while I continue hibernating a few more days (weeks?). So, here's Janet:
Young women thumb through
endless bride magazines hunting for the perfect wedding gown. Middle-aged
shoppers, who no longer have the stamina to trudge through malls packed with
teenagers, peruse mail order catalogues looking for clothes that will make them
look thinner, more attractive, and/or younger. Where do writers go for ideas -
that thing called inspiration?
Inspirations for writing
can come from anywhere.

You’re probably thinking I’m
pretty strange. The inspiration for my second novel Murder: A New Way to
Lose Weight is less academic.
Like everyone, I see many
endorsements of weight loss regimes and products on TV. Some of the so-called
“delicious shakes” pushed by famous people look pretty bad. And the sizes of
some of the servings of food in these promotions make even small salad plates look
large. You can see I’m a skeptic. Hence the underlying question for Murder:
A New Way to Lose Weight is: What if you couldn’t trust the diet
doctors promoting these diets and products? Some would
say that is a given.
I like to travel, especially
to locations a bit off the beaten path. As I was sorting through cheap
souvenirs and postcards from a trip to South America , I spied items from Bolivia , which are becoming the basis for my third novel.
What are they? If I tell you, it’ll ruin the surprise
Where could you find
ideas for your writing?
Several authors have created
cozy mystery series, based on their hobbies (such as cooking and quilting) or
their pets. Others find travel to exotic locations a source of ideas and tax
write-offs. But you don’t have to travel far for ideas. Have you ever wandered
down a street in an old section of your hometown and wondered what happened
behind those facades last year, ten years ago, or even a century ago? And, if
all else fails, turn to your dreams and nightmares. What if the gray,
humped-back man, who lived in your bedroom closet when you were four, was real?
It’s just a matter of
asking, what if?
Bio: J. L.
Greger, as a biologist and professor emerita of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, enjoys putting tidbits of science into her medical thrillers
and mysteries. Coming Flu (published July 2012) compares two
killers: the Philippine flu and a drug kingpin trapped in a New Mexican
community, which is quarantined because of the flu. Murder: A New Way to Lose Weight (to be published March 2013) will
make you think twice before you begin your next diet.
Website: http://www.jlgreger.com
Sales links:
Oak Tree Press:
Do you need inspiration at this time of year? Where do you get your inspiration (this
is a question that everyone wants to know)?
is a question that everyone wants to know)?
The daily news--newspaper or TV--is a huge source of inspiration. In my other life as a genealogist, I also find hints of stories in the history of those who have gone before as well as in contemporary newspaper accounts of their deeds.
Thanks John. And Thanks to Cora for allowing me space on her blog.
Inspirational guest blog! Thanks for sharing.
Love your weight loss title! I've read many medical thrillers that grabbed and held my interest. Looking forward to yours.
Marja McGraw
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